Don’t Be Afraid of the Storm. You Are The Storm
There’s this thing about storms…
My aunt always thought I was crazy for playing in them or taking walks. She said I could get hurt and I replied, “If God wants to end my life today, being inside is not going to stop Him.” She said I was testing God, but I actually felt I was respecting his power
… Crazy is in the eye of the beholder, like beauty
… but the thing about storms is they intrigued me
Before I knew the science of them and after still… they are magical… in the way that they dance and spin beyond our control. They are … free in their life fully, raging and dancing and loud and … ultimately unapologetic.
And like us, they are born and die, but… when they die, everything that they were returns back to the source, the atmosphere that birthed them to begin with.
The second reason they intrigue me happened when I learned why they are born. Storms are born from disruption in the atmosphere, something is out of balance. The storm didn’t cause the imbalance, the disruption is the reason the storm was born and it’s rage is a process to return things back to peace.
The calm before the storm is an illusion.
We believe that all is well, but the Mother Spirit of this planet is quietly meditating in pregnancy, then giving birth to the storm child that will expose the disruption and then defeat it.
When I understood this process, I realized that We… are all potential storms. Those of us who can smell the chaos, the injustice, the disruption… and then steady ourselves to rage when necessary, to cleanse and purify the space we are in, to baptize it and renew it so that what follows is the proper balance …
We are raging storms in moments and in years, and some of us, for our entire lives.
We rage when someone says something hurtful about us or others, We rage when we protect some one from attack, We rage in classrooms, courtrooms, jail cells, boardrooms, streets, bedrooms, backyards, football fields, the halls of Congress, wherever it is that we find ourselves.
We rage when necessary.
That’s the thing about storms that excited me. I saw myself in them. Their magical light dance, and drum beat thunder, their sweet breath, their unapologetic beautiful madness that knew it had to rage in order to correct the imbalance that could destroy this creation if not properly corrected.
Next time a storm sings above your head, smile and take notes. Dance in its rhythms and let it paint its raindrop beauty on you.
You are the storm, and the storm is you.