I hear you Brian, but excuse my disagreement.
Most people don’t really “hustle.” They pretend to be busy and run themselves ragged thinking if they are constantly in motion, it’s a clear sign that they are hustlers, that they are hardworking, but
anybody can run around like this guy…
and still get absolutely nothing accomplished.
Burnout (in my opinion) is more often the result of one or more of the following:
- Doing a whole lot of nothing to keep up appearances and convince oneselves self of “effort.”
- Overworking because you’re financially strapped and it takes 3 jobs to make ends meet (I’ve been there)
- Poor time management skills — for those who actually are doing great work, assessing how to work SMARTER not harder is the real key to avoid burnout.
So I say all of that to say this…
Either the person is pretending, impoverished or just needs to organize their life more efficiently.
That’s why I highlighted your quote “You are the brains of the operation.”
If they are not putting up a front, my best advice is take a few hours and map out a more effective strategy. It may also mean collaborating with others and bartering skills with each other.